About Us

Our purpose 

SweetButterCheeks (SBC) is a Crowdfunded Spirit Lead Ministry dedicated to praying and loving on our local community.  We make homemade sweets for neighbors to reach out and share with family, friends, or a stranger in a time of need or despair.  With the help of community donations...we make, create, and deliver these sweets for absolutely NO CHARGE to remove any & all obstacles. 

Our focus is to Love one another and carry each other's burdens.

"...Love one another.  As I have loved you, so you must love one another."

-John 13:34

"Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ."

-Galatians 6:2

How it Works 

So how does it all work?

We are a crowdfunded ministry that runs off assistance from people just like YOU.

Our mission is to help people experience Jesus through the love of other members in the community.  To accommodate, we dedicate our weekends to sharing special sweets with everyone for FREEAll a individual has to do is think of someone who would benefit from receiving a homemade 'SWEET', then click [FREE SWEET] and we will create an individually wrapped sweet, pray over the item and the prayer request, then hand deliver directly to the recipient's doorstep.


What impact does my request have?

With every 'SWEET' requested, an individual will receive a completely FREE, no strings attached, dessert.  The recipient will receive the homemade sweet, some Scripture, an invite to church 💌, and know that they are special and loved by their community.  The impact of showing love to another is contagious and we know that just one 'Act of Kindness' can change someone's day and the community forever.

A sweet, a smile, and an invite can help change someone's life so what are you waiting for....did I mention its completely FREE


What is our goal?

The world today has become so individualized and focused on self.  The goal of SweetButterCheeks Ministries is to help give others an opportunity to share a FREE small "Act of Kindness" by sending a sweet buttery item, join in prayer, and help show others in the community they are loved thoroughly and perfectly as an 'Image of God'

We invite and encourage every precipitant to show LOVE more abundantly to others and to attend a local church to learn more about the saving Grace of Jesus our Lord & Savior

"Love one another with brotherly affection.  Outdo one another in showing honor."

Romans 12:10 ESV